Dop Soglashenie O Zamene Tovara Obrazec

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1> fall*, drop; padat' na koleni go* down on one`s knees, fall* on one`s knees; upast'. (rasprostranyat'sya) fall*; ot polei shlyapy padala ten' na ee lico the brim of the hat. Parafirovat' soglashenie, dogovor initial an agreement, a treaty. Zakaz na nestandartnuyu partiyu odd lot order; partiya tovara consignment of goods;. .ru/info/vozvrata-tovara-nadlezhashhego-kachestva-sroki-i-poryadok-dejstvij.html 5. 0.00% /61-soglashenie-o-rastorzhenii-dogovora-zayma-obrazec.html 1 0.00%. 1 0.00% 1 0.00%.

Step payusnyi: payusnaya ikra pressed caviar(e) pablo pablo pacan m. Boy, lad pacient m., pacientka zh. Patient pacifist pacifist pacifistskii pacifist pacifizm m. Pacifism; pacifist m. Pacifist; pacifistskii pacifist attr padayushii falling; (oslabevayushii) declining, waning; padayushii spros torg.

Dop soglashenie o zamene tovara obrazec e

Sagging demand; padayushaya valyuta fin. Falling currency padal' zh. Carrion padat', past', u past'; 1> fall*, drop; padat' na koleni go* down on one`s knees, fall* on one`s knees; u past' na zemlyu fall*/ drop to the ground; on u pal he fell over; u past' so stola, s kryshi i t. Fall* off a table, roof etc.; u past' s bol'shoi vysoty fall* from a great height; 2> tk. (ob atmosfernyh osadkah) fall*; padaet sneg snow is falling; 3> sov. Past' (nizko opuskat'sya) fall*; ego golova padala na grud' his head began to nod; 4> tk. (svisat', nis padat') fall*; s volosami, padavshimi do plech with hair down to one`s shoulders; 5> sov.

Past' (o rose, tumane) fall*; 6> (na vn.; o svete, teni ) fall*, be* cast; peren. (rasprostranyat'sya) fall*; ot polei shlyapy padala ten' na ee lico the brim of the hat cast a shadow on her face; 7> sov. Past' (na vn.; prihodit'sya komu-l., chemu-l. ) fall* (on); zhrebii padaet na menya the choice is upon me; 8> tk. ) fall* (on); udarenie padaet na poslednii slog the stress falls on the last syllable; 9> tk.

(o volosah, zubah) come* out, fall* out; 10> (umen'shat'sya, oslabevat') fall*, drop; davlenie padaet the pressure is falling; 11> sov. Past' (stanovit'sya slabee, nichtozhnee) decline, wane, be* on the decline; peren. (portit'sya) deteriorate; vliyanie ego padaet his influence is declining; nastroenie bol'nogo padaet the patient`s morale is deteriorating; 12> sov.

Past' (dohnut' - o skote) die off, perish; padat' v obmorok faint (away); padat' ot ustalosti be* ready to drop (with fatigue); ceny padayut prices are dropping; padat' duhom lose* courage/heart; past' na pole brani be* killed in action, fall* in action; serdce padaet one`s heart sinks; u past' v ch'ih-l. Glazah fall*/sink* in smb.`s estimation padenie s.; 1> fall; padenie temperatury fall in temperature; padenie cen drop/fall in prices; ugol padeniya angle of incidence; padenie kursa valyuty fall in the exchange; 2>Serial key dosprn 179. (moral'noe) degradation, downfall; padenie napryazheniya v fil'me kino anti-climax padezh m. Cattle-plague padezh m. Case; padezhnyi gram.