Download Warship Craft
May 31, 2012 - Phyzios [J] has released an iOS game application “Battleship Craft,” which uses its own particular physics engine. Download is free. Play a ship to ship battle simulation game on your iPhone with Warship Craft. Warship Craft is a free game app for the iPhone which lets you create your very own warship and bring her out to sea to engage in battles out in the high seas. Download the Warship Craft now and engage in. Cydia installer 1 1 16 deb 10.
Create your own Warship! In 'Warship Craft', you create your own Warship with 3D and physics simulation, and have your Warship in an open water ocean warfare competing against others via Game Center. Build the strongest Warship in the world - Check out the Leader Board! * Realistic Physics Engine Your Warship's performance in buoyancy, speed, durability against attacks, all depends on the parts you use. Performance is realistically simulated.
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* Realtime Multi-Play In 'Battle' mode, compete against other Warships via Game Center. You will be competing against Warships from around the world.