Nazhip Valitov Knigi

VR 1.0 PT J AU Valitov, NK TI Chemical conversion of a model cumene hydrocarbon to a carbonium ion on a cracking catalyst SO PETROLEUM CHEMISTRY AB The question of the mechanism of formation of carbonium ions on Lewis or Bronsted acid centres remains unclear.
Professor of Bashkir University Nazhip Valitov before was far from theology. He is a chemist with a worldwide reputation, for life exclusively dealt with problems of science.

And do not imagine that his discoveries interested in spiritual leaders. Monograph Professor Valitova 'Vacuum fluctuations in chemical excitation of atoms, molecules and chaotic lines of force of the electromagnetic and gravitational field' produced a shock in the scientific community. Since February 1998, she is a 45 academic libraries of 12 countries, including seven top US universities, 2 leading universities in England, 2 leading universities in France, the University of Tokyo, 15 leading universities and institutes in Moscow, and so on. In this monograph scientifically proven unequivocally: 9 new properties of curved space, 16 new data on the structure of the atom, 16 new equations unified theory of electromagnetic and gravitational fields, 16 new laws, 14 new properties of gravitational forces in astronomy. Strict language of formulas Valitov proved that any objects in the universe interact with each other instantly,regardless of the distance between them.
1.0 -oborudovaniya-pod-davleniem-k-vvodu-v-ekspluatatsiyu-docx/ 2018-02-23. daily. Daily 1.0 /files/panov-juv-ustanovka-jexpluataciya-gazoballonnogo-oborudovaniya.pdf. Weekly 1.0 /dogovor-peredachi-v-bezvozmezdnoe-polzovanie-oborudovaniya/ weekly. Godovoj plan grafik ppr elektrooborudovaniya blank.
'Before it was thought that no interaction can take place at a speed greater than the speed of light - says about his discovery, Professor Valitov. - This is 300 thousand. But it turned out that electromagnetic and gravitational fields interact instantaneously. It has been proved theoretically and confirmed experimentally.
But it speaks of the existence of the universe there is no single Higher power! After all, in fact, everything is connected to everything. ' Professor Valitov, unexpectedly, received a letter from the Vatican from the Pope, which states that His Holiness is committed Nazhipu Valitova their prayers and appreciates the feelings that spodvigli scientist to write this monograph. And - mind you! - 'Only after thorough research and solid expertise, we decided to send our gratitude' (unquote). Professor read the Koran, the Bible and the Torah, and was surprised at how they are similar, he expressed admiration for how well the texts are indicated by divine revelation of his scientific discoveries. Thought is material, scientists believe, and can instantly detect from anywhere in the universe.