Paintball Gun Serial Number Lookup

10 Price: JT paintball guns are some of the cheapest on the market. They're probably best-suited to convincing a friend to dive into paintball, starting off a kid with the SplatMaster series, or just screwing around with some friends at work. JT does make the high-end Impulse, but that's definitely a speedball gun, so for you scenario players it's probably not even on your radar. 10 Price: JT paintball guns are some of the cheapest on the market. They're probably best-suited to convincing a friend to dive into paintball, starting off a kid with the SplatMaster series, or just screwing around with some friends at work.

In the last couple months I’ve been investigating Sniper serial numbers (along with the reversible feed snipers) and I have come across a few more bits of information. Mark Bragg of east St. Teamviewer windows 2000 free download. Louis was able to offer the most helpful information so far. Bragg ran G-Force paintball out of St.

Louis and has been a paintgun collector for a long time. In a few emails I have exchanged with Mark in the last couple months he pointed out that most WGP serials numbers from probably 1990 until 2000 are stamped with an exaggerated serif style number script. Mark wrote that almost all Sniper2s, Autocockers, Minicockers, 62 caliber sniper 1s, and the Top Gun reversible feed paintguns (that both he and I own) feature, as Mark wrote ”The same ”fancy” numbers stamped into them. What I mean is the kinda swirl and rounded ends of the numberskind of a script, if you will.” Bragg went on to explain that Sniper 1 serial numbers are a more simple style stamp and the serif on these characters are NOT as exageratted. Mark went on to give an example: ”My oldest sniper is sub 300, and has a completely different kind of stamp. Like number stamps you could buy from a hobby shop or hardware store.” Here is an old reversible feed body stamped ”WGP R9” I am trying to identify next to a cocker body from likely 1998 stamped ”49507.” You can see the difference between the 9s in each serial.

ATF’s National Tracing Center (NTC) is the only organization authorized to trace U.S. And foreign manufactured firearms for international, federal, State, and local law enforcement agencies. Its purpose is to provide investigative leads in the fight against violent crime and terrorism and to enhance public safety. Firearms Tracing Firearms tracing is the systematic tracking of the movement of a firearms recovered by law enforcement officials from its first sale by the manufacturer or importer through the distribution chain (wholesaler/retailer) to the first retail purchaser.

Comprehensive firearms tracing is the routine tracing of every crime gun recovered within a geographic area or specific law enforcement jurisdiction. ETrace eTrace is a paperless firearm trace submission system that is readily accessible through the internet that provides the necessary utilities for submitting, retrieving, storing, and querying all firearms trace related information relative to the requestor’s agency.

For more information about eTrace, contact the ATF’s National Tracing Center at 1-800-788-7133, extension 01540 or visit the to access your account. Services of the NTC Firearms trace requests may be submitted to any law enforcement agency in the course of a bona fide criminal investigation. Trace request forms are available or by contacting the ATF National Tracing Center at 1-800-788-7133.