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Weekly 0.5 2013-12-22T20:03:48+00:00 weekly. 2013-12-08T20:46:25+00:00 weekly 0.5. 作者: bushwinston-- 發表時間: 2010/12/04 06:11pm 樏襝鍙膼?賾膰碭儊蠋?瀁 厴鋹僗僪鳷 櫡僿歑?齕僝僗?摎厴錟襡?

There are considered existing up to date scholarly positions and opinions of international authorities concerning the content of the concept 'interests of the child'. There are studied statutory provisions and scholarly opinions regarding the issue of correlation of the child’s and others’ interests. The content of the concept «best interests of a child» in international law (UN Convention on the rights of the child) and its extent of implementation into the Russian legislation are analyzed. Akt ob opredelenii granici razdela sobstvennosti obrazec 5. Interests of a child according to international and Russian law In the article the existing in jurisprudence definitions of the concept «interest», «interests in family law», «interests of the child» are considered, their critical evaluation is given.